Vector’s Cube

Learn below everything you need to know about Vector’s cube.

What battery does the cube use?

  • Alkaline N / E90 / LR1 1.5 Volt batteries
  • Do not use A23 batteries - these will damage the Cube
  • Do not use rechargeable batteries - these will damage the Cube

How long does the battery last?

  • Batteries come pre-installed in Vector’s Cube
  • Once the pull-tab is removed, the battery will start to lose charge
  • The battery will last 20-40 hours of gameplay depending on how much Vector interacts with the Cube
  • To test if the battery is working, reset the cube:
    • unscrew the lid from the cube
    • wait for 10 seconds
    • screw the lid back on
    • the cube should flash red>green>blue if the battery is fine

How do I change the battery?

  1. Remove the cube’s screw using a cross head screwdriver and open the cube’s cover
  2. Remove and safely dispose of the old battery
  3. Insert a new battery, with the positive end toward the Cube Door that you removed.
  4. Replace the cover and screw the cover back down (not too tightly which can damage the cube)


How does Vector interact with the cube?

  • Vector's cube is like a pet's favorite toy, his possession, and from a technical standpoint, it's a landmark for him as he navigates and explores the area
  • Vector interacts with his cube on two levels:
    • Visually: He recognizes the cube by its marking (even without a battery)
    • Wirelessly (the cube will show in your device's Bluetooth settings, while Vector will not): He connects wirelessly to the cube if it is nearby. If a cube is too far away or the battery is low or dead, Vector may not be able to sync with it
  • Vector will tap the cube if he’s so inclined
  • You can ask Vector to do a trick such as Roll the cube, Pounce or Pop a Wheelie
  • You can ask Vector, “Hey Vector [wait] where is your cube?”

Why does Vector ignore his cube?

  • Vector will not connect to his cube if he is sleeping. Wake him up by getting his attention with “Hey Vector!”
  • If Vector’s cube is in the Vector Space, he will ignore it
  • If the cube has a low battery or the battery is dead, he will not be able to connect to it
    • You may try to force-sync the cube by opening the Vector app > Settings > going to Cube Status > tap “Refresh Cube” > once connected, tap “Ping Cube” to light the Cube up
    • Alternatively, change the battery

    Issues & Troubleshooting

    Issue Cause Resolution
    The Cube does not light up. -Vector is not connected to the Cube.
    -Battery is discharged
    -Poor connection between battery and terminals
    -Corrosion inside battery compartment
    -Ping the Cube in the Vector Robot app under Settings > Cube Status
    -Replace Battery (Alkaline N / E90 / LR1 1.5 Volt batteries- do NOT use rechargeable batteries or size A23 batteries)
    -Using needlenose pliers, gently stretch the spring on the negative terminal.
    -For light corrosion, clean terminals gently with a brush. For severe corrosion, Cube replacement may be required.
    The cube flashes red. -Battery is nearly depleted -Unscrew the battery door and replace the Battery (Alkaline N / E90 / LR1 1.5 Volt batteries- do NOT use rechargeable batteries or size A23 batteries)
    The cube lights are always on. The Cube has frozen or encountered an error. -Unscrew the battery door and remove the battery. Wait for at least 60 seconds. Reinsert battery and reattach battery door.
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