"This Vector Already Has An Owner" Error Message

In some cases when connecting to Vector, an error message may appear that says:

"Can't Connect To Vector
This Vector already has an Owner. If this is your Vector, tap Get Help to learn how to reset your robot."

Important Note:

If you purchased Vector used, or received him from a family member, please Contact Us at support@digitaldreamlabs.com so that we can help you to transfer the Vector over to your own account!


When this error occurs, there are four possible causes:

  1. The robot was previously owned by someone else and the previous owner did not do a Clear User Data Reset.
  2. The phone's authorization is no longer recognized by Vector.
  3. The Vector Robot app is logged into a different account than the Vector is currently registered to.
  4. There are mismatched credentials between Vector, the server, and the phone.


This error can be solved using the following steps:

  1. Uninstall, reboot, and reinstall:
    1. Android Instructions:
      1. In the Settings app of the phone, find the "Apps" menu.
      2. Under "All Apps", find the "Vector Robot" app.
      3. Click the "Storage & Cache" button, then click "Clear Data".
      4. Click the Back Button, then click "Uninstall". Wait until the app is finished uninstalling.
      5. Reboot your device.
      6. Reinstall the app from Google Play
      7. Open the app, log back in (make sure you log into the account your Vector is registered to!) and retry the connection.
    2. iPhone Instructions:
      1. Long-click the Vector Robot app on the Home Screen.
      2. Click "Remove App", then click "Delete App"
      3. Restart your phone by holding the Power button, then sliding the Power slider to the right. Wait a few seconds for the phone to fully power down.
      4. Boot the iPhone back up by pressing and holding the Power button.
      5. Reinstall the Vector Robot app from the Apple App Store
      6. Open the app, log back in (make sure you log into the account your Vector is registered to!) and retry the connection.
  2. Make sure you are logged in to the correct account.
    1. In the Vector Robot app, use the Gear icon at the top right to enter the Preferences Menu.
    2. Scroll all the way down, and click "Disconnect", then click "Log Out".
    3. Log back in, ensuring that you are logging into the account that your Vector robot is registered to.
  3. Clear User Data on the robot:
    1. As a last resort, you may need to do a Clear User Data reset. To clear the User Data on the robot, please see this article:
      Performing A Clear User Data Reset
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