Do you repair Vectors, Cozmos, or Overdrive Sets?

Do you repair Vectors, Cozmos, or Overdrive sets?

Yes! Currently, we are able to facilitate repair of Vector, Cozmo, and OverDrive sets. Vector and Cozmo repairs are available throughout North America. OverDrive is currently limited to US only. We are working to set up new repair centers that will be available in different regions and will announce those when available.

The Repair Center is currently able to handle the following: 


  • Battery Replacement ($75 USD)
    • (Vector usually runs for between 30-45 minutes; if he needs to be recharged in less than half an hour after a full charge, he probably needs a battery replacement.)
  • Blank Display / Lines Through Display ($125 USD)
  • Bundle Display / Battery Replacement ($150 USD)
    • Includes Battery and Display Replacement services for a discounted price.
  • Robot Cleaning ($20 USD, required to be bundled with another service)


  • Battery Replacement ($75 USD)
  • Robot Cleaning ($20 USD, required to be bundled with another service)

Starting A Repair

To begin a repair, please write an email to with a description of your issue. We would be glad to help you start a repair. Please see the Repair Process for Cozmo and Vector for more details on the process.


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