What do I use the Vector app for?

The key thing you’ll need the app for is setting up Vector, getting him connected to your home WiFi network for the first time.

Once the app gets Vector going, you’ll want to keep it around for things like seeing what he’s doing, checking the photos you have him take, reviewing the people he’s met, or getting suggestions on how to use a voice command.

The Vector app is there to help you when you need help with Vector. See below for what you can use the app for after getting started.

Learn about features and how to use them

  • Voice Commands and Utilities
  • Q&A Mode
  • Vector gives you examples in the app of what you can ask him to do
  • View tutorials in-app or tap “More videos” to go to YouTube for more tutorials

Meet Vector again and again

Delete any faces Vector has already scanned. Re-enroll yourself so he can recognize you better. Update your name.

See what Vector is thinking


View and export pictures taken by Vector

Update settings

Open the Vector app and go to Settings in order to:

  • Update your Account
  • Check Cube status
  • Allows you to force a software update if Vector does not update automatically
  • Check networks
  • Change Vector’s eye color
  • Turn the volume up or down

Open the Vector app and go to Settings then tap Preferences in order to:

  • Change Vector’s location
  • Change the time zone
  • Select if you prefer units in the metric or imperial system... or a mix of both
  • Change the language (remember, it’s best to choose depending on your accent, not on your physical location)

Any changes in the Settings are sent from the App to the robot and from the robot to the Cloud (excluding photos, and volume and eye color). See this FAQ for further information about resetting, erasing or restoring Vector.

Connect to another Vector

If you have more than one Vector, disconnect from one via the app in “Settings” before connecting to another. See this FAQ for further details.

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